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Can I work with a homeopath and a conventional doctor?

Find out if we're a good fit & get your homeopathy questions answered.

Free discovery session

It is recommended that you maintain your relationship with your GP or specialist. When necessary homeopathic and conventional approaches can be used alongside one another to give the most effective and appropriate medical care.


Homeopathy is a beautiful system of holistic medicine that appeals to clients interested in taking a more natural approach to health & vitality. Most clients have a primary care provider and if needed, specialists. I work from a holistic perspective to improve overall vitality.

Experience the benefits of Homeopathy

Free virtual discovery session

Please contact us at gwen@healnaturally.com to schedule your appointment type.

The statements on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Homeopathic remedies are recommended based upon traditional homeopathic evaluation, which addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, please seek medical advice from your primary care physician.

© 2024 Heal Naturally, LLC