Homeopathy for managing anxiety and stress
Homeopathy offers a safe and natural option to help us manage anxiety and depression.
Anxiety is a normal and natural response to stressful situations. It triggers our body’s inbuilt mechanism to help us get away from a threat and it can be helpful to understand what’s going on behind the scenes when we feel our stress levels rising.
But whilst this response can be a life-saver in some circumstances, a state of anxiety that becomes too intense or too prolonged can have a detrimental impact on our health and well-being. Symptoms can vary amongst individuals, but they commonly include feeling nervous, restless or tense, trembling, rapid breathing and palpitations.
We’re living through challenging times right now and some people may be feeling more anxious than usual. Try homeopathy to help manage rising levels of stress and anxiety.
try a Free Discovery SessionThe benefits of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that speaks the language of the patient.
Homeopathic Remedies are Natural
Being an ancient, 200-year-old medical art and science that was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 1700s, the cures used in this line of treatment are derived from nature and thus devoid of toxins. Substances that occur naturally go into the making of homeopathic medicines.
No Harmful Side Effects
Stimulant drugs like Ritalin may be effective for ADHD but their flip side is that they can trigger side-effects like sleeplessness, anxiety, loss of appetite, slow growth, tics, etc. In fact, most of stimulant drugs should not be given to children under age six because of the risk of toxicity or inadequate dosage awareness due to inadequate testing for negative reactions.
Simple and Effective
Homeopathy medicines can be given as prophylactics to prevent an individual from contracting a disease that other people in the same environment may be suffering from. For example, if one child is suffering from the flu, the other child can be protected from getting the infection by taking the indicated remedy. Even if the other child contracts the virus, it will be in a very mild form.
"Thank you, Gwen. What a fantastic gift health is. I feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity to explore my health with you and am extremely grateful that you gave me such a fantastic gift."
Anita, VA
"Thank you for the remedy. I feel it has been working on a deep subtle level. I have a feeling of a melting inside and a great sense of peace and calmness. You told me healing is forgetting. I am now feeling that. thank you very much."
Danielle, NE
"Your gentle approach of asking all sorts of questions, wanting greater explanations and further understanding of my experiences really got me thinking. So thought-provoking, so interesting, And ultimately so helpful in creating a new level of personal understanding. After I took the remedy, I felt fantastic, energetic and clear-minded with a real spring in my step and a smile on my face! I was amazed, and still am….."
Genevieve, ME
"Homeopathy was the first experience where I actually felt understood about my anxieties. Gwen looked at me as a whole person and all the areas of my life that were affected by my anxiety. I had tried many other therapies and seen numerous therapists; all wanting to put me on heavy medication. The kind, warm, individualized treatment that I received fostered a safe environment for me to open up and talk about my fears. After a few months of using homeopathic medicines, I am ready to return to work, something that I never thought I could do. I am most grateful to Gwen and Homeopathy!!"
Whittley, TX

Homeopathy treats the whole person, not only one part
As we start to become anxious, our adrenal glands release various hormones to help us cope with whatever stressor we’re up against. Cortisol increases the glucose levels in our bloodstream to feed our vital organs when it’s needed the most. At the same time, it slows down some other bodily functions that aren’t so crucial in a fight or flight situation. Meanwhile, adrenaline increases the heart rate, elevates our blood pressure, and boosts energy and Oxygen supplies to where it is most needed. Together this hormonal combination gives us the best chance of coping with the situation we’re facing.
Conventional treatment for chronic anxiety usually involves psychological therapy such as counseling or CBT which can help people to process their experiences and find ways to minimize and deal with their stress. In some instances, medication may be prescribed, but this often comes with unwanted side effects or concerns about drug dependency.
Different people react differently to events in their life and therefore develop different and unique emotional symptoms. Homeopathy uses these unique and individual symptoms to determine which remedy will work best for your individual emotional state. The beauty of this individualized approach is that very precise remedies are given and are therefore more effective in helping you.
try a Free Discovery Session
- Nervousness and restlessness
- Increased heart rate
- Always tired w/low energy
- Rapid breathing, sweating, trembling
- Weakness and fatigue
- Lack of focus and concentration, insomnia
- Gastrointestinal (GI) problem
Interested in learning more? Here are some terrific resources:
- Messages In Water LEARN MORE
- Alternate Nostril Breathing learn more
- Brain Wave Vibration Technique For Stress Relief learn more
Experience the benefits of Homeopathy
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